Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cool Cup

Like a cool drink of water when you're worn out and weary is a letter from a long-lost friend. 
Proverbs 25:25 The Message

I read this Proverb for the first time in my twenties. Now I am in my late forties.  I have lived in the desert of Arizona, the muggy woods of North Carolina, the dry long winters of Michigan and now I reside in the refreshing Pacific Northwest in Puyallup, Washington.  Each of these environments create the different levels of thirst.  Like the desert that is so dry and hot, you need more water, more frequently.  We need water to quench our thirst where ever we live.  We are made of 90 percent water, Right? Right.

Well, the same thing that happens to our body, happens to our relationships.  In our society, our families may be scattered all over the place.  Mine is.  I have family in Florida, Illinois, Arizona, Ohio, California, Nevada, Colorado and Virginia.  We are spread out far and wide.  

In my twenties, married with two small children, I remember my days in North Carolina.  I felt so far from my family.  We didn't have cell phones then, and long distance was expensive, so calls were far and few between.  So when a letter came in the mail, It was like that scripture above, quenching the thirst for that longing for connection.  

One day I was saying out loud, "I miss my family", thinking of my Dad, my Mom, My Sister.  My son, Nikki was five years old and he said, "Mommy, we are your family".  Out of the mouth of babes.   I was longing for the years of my childhood, missing that old family connection that would never happen again, the same way.  

After that day, I grew up a little bit. I learned  build the relationships and create new memories in my daily life with my little family.  It was okay to miss my far away family and enjoy the infrequent connections.  I was thirsty, but sometimes the well that quenches our thirst the most is in our midst, rather than far away. 

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